About Simulinc
We are consultants to the Australian Department of Defence, New Zealand Defence Force, Canadian Department of Defence and the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority on flight simulator standards.
Simulinc has also been approved by the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority and by the Royal Australian Air Force to conduct flight simulator accreditations.
The Australian, New Zealand, Brazilian and Malaysian regulatory authorities send inspectors to Simulinc to be trained to evaluate flight simulators. In addition members of many National Defence Forces have also attended this training such is it's excellent reputation.
Simulinc staff have experience with flight simulators and flight simulator standards going back over 30 years.
Staff have authored Australian simulator standards documents, served as delegates to the International Working Group which drafted the ICAO MCQFS and to the working group which formulated Australian’s current flight simulator standards (Manual of Standards Part 60) as well as lecturing at UNSW on aircraft simulation. They not only understand the latest publications from ICAO, Europe and the FAA, they understand the background and debates which shaped them.
Simulinc’s experience makes it well positioned to inform and advise on simulator standards and requirements at both International and National Levels.